Home Pages 572-577

A lot has been going on lately in the entertainment media. On one side, Pirates of the Caribbean is getting rebooted with an all female cast, and The Last of Us 2 is coming out and it’s already been leaked that the main character is being replaced by an androgynous female. In the past I’ve…

Home Pages 563-567

I did say that I was going to talk about the fact the black dog called Jahla wolf, something that has become consistent ever since this author decided that there would be a war between the mainland dogs and the akiulfr across the sea. Before that it is a word that had never been used…

Home Pages 561-562

We started the previous entry talking about time skips, so it is fitting, considering everything we’ve read, to talk now about showing. When writing a story there is a fine line between showing too little and showing too much, and the goal of every writer should be to find a balance between those two points,…

Home Pages 558-560

I want to start this entry talking about timelines, which I believed is a topic I haven’t talked about in detail, and it is not only very important but it is also something that consistently fails in the comic. Establishing a coherent, natural timeline can be one of the hardest things to do, and it…